
Showing posts from April, 2017

Seekers of Independent, (Western Togolanders)

THE 1956 TRANS-VOLTA TOGOLAND PLEBISCITE AND MATTERS ARISING 1. Introduction On 17 August 2016, my attention was drawn to a news article published in the Daily Graphic, which inter alia, mentioned a group known as The Homeland Study Group Foundation (HSGF) based in Ho in the Volta Region of Ghana “agitating for the restoration of so called Western Togoland as a state to declare independence for Western Togoland on 9 May 2017.”[1] According to the leader of the group, “…. the Western Togoland were plebiscite citizens in Ghana and not until a declaration was made on 9 May 2017, the people will remain an appendix to the former Gold Coast (now Ghana). They also claimed that “ historical documents had revealed that Western Togoland was a state and not a territory of Ghana.” Fundamentally, HSGF claims that although residents of the Western Togoland voted in 1956 to become a union with the Gold Coast (now Ghana), the union has not been formally established by way of a...

Ghana news: Court adjourns Volta secessionist case to May 12 - Graphic Online

Ghana news: Court adjourns Volta secessionist case to May 12 - Graphic Online : The criminal case of the three accused persons of the Homeland Study Group Foundation (HSGF), which is demanding the secession of the Volta Region and parts of the Northern and Upper East Regions from Ghana, to become the Western Togoland state as soon as